Muslims protest at mosque attack

A dead pig and four pig heads were buried on the site of a future mosque in an anonymous anti-Islam attack, police said.
The attackers sent anonymous letters to the media in the region near the mosque site in the town of Grenchen in canton Solothurn.

In the letter they said they also poured 120 litres of pig’s blood on the ground, saying it was test of Muslim faith whether the mosque would be built on the land afterwards.

The Islamic Central Council of Switzerland “condemned the profanation of the site of a future mosque”, adding: “With this act, a line has been cross and Islamophobia has attained a new level.”

Grenchen mayor Boris Banga described the attack as “horrible and abominable”. and agencies

Categories: Europe, Switzerland

5 replies

  1. Dear Ummama, we just re-posted here the News from ‘Swissinfo’, who stated that there were protests. If that is not correct thank you for correcting the News Item.

    We also would not protest such silly acts. Prayers is the correct response.

  2. At the time of writing this comment there were 120 comments in the Zurich Daily Newspaper ‘Der Tagesanzeiger’. It is nice to note that the majority of the comments condemn this silly ‘action’. Some comments do find that the Mayor of Grenchen went too far to call the action ‘abdominable’, but the majority of readers sympathise with the Muslims.

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