Dialogue between Religions in Indonesia – On the Interdenominational Construction Site of Humanity

Source: Qantara

For the past 20 years, the Indonesian NGO DIAN/Interfidei has been engaged in interdenominational dialogue. The organization has also tried to include atheists, Confucians, and even fundamentalists in its activities – with various degrees of success. Anett Keller reports from Yogyakarta

“Everything began with anger,” recalls Daniel Dhakidae, one of the founders of DIAN/Interfidei. “The anger was particularly directed at religious institutions. How could you explain violence in the name of religion? How could you explain the unwillingness of religious leaders to compromise?”

Dhakidae was not the only one with such questions. In October 1991, the Catholic journalist Daniel Dhakidae, together with his Muslim colleague Zulkifly Lubis, the Protestant theologians Eka Darmaputra and Thomas Sumartana, and the Muslim religious scholar Djohan Effendi founded DIAN/Interfidei, the first Indonesian NGO that made pluralism the focus of its programme.

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Categories: Indonesia

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  1. indonésia.

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    Baca Kitab Suci (66 buku)
    Matius ch. 24

    Saya menyambut Anda dengan kedamaian Allah di dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus oleh Roh Kudus dari Allah, Amin. Pesan ini adalah untuk semua orang, Kisah ch. 2,16-21: segera. Brasil akan terguncang oleh gempa bumi dengan bangunan jatuh dan monumen. Tsunami mendekati pantai Brasil, gelombang lautbesar. mulai dari utara ke selatan. Kota Macapa di Amapa akan menjadi hit dengandampak yang besar, Yehezkiel ch. 33-34. dalam kitab Daniel
    Cap.9 – 10. Tuhan Berbicara! Baca 2 Tesalonika bab. 2, dan ch Wahyu. 13 danchap. 17. Firman Tuhan berkata bahwa ketika seorang penguasa manusia.Membuat dirinya sama dengan Tuhan, adalah di atas takhta dunia, Yesus Kristus datang. Dia datang, Raja akan datang, Amin.


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