My Take: Muslims should stop apologizing for 9/11

Courtesy: CNN


Editor’s note: Aman Ali is a New York-based writer, stand-up comedian and the co-creator of 30 Mosques in 30 Days, a Ramadan road trip across America.

By Aman Ali, Special to CNN

New York (CNN) – As a Muslim, I’m sick of people asking me how I feel about 9/11. What do you want me to say, seriously?

Do you want me to say, “It was a great plan, mwahahaha!” before I fly off on a magic carpet?

I was born and raised in this country and was just as shocked as everyone else to learn there were people on this earth so vile as to commit such a horrific attack – or to even think about doing it.

But I didn’t do it. Neither did 99.999999999 percent of the roughly 1.5 billion people in the world who also call themselves Muslims. So why should I or any other Muslim apologize for what happened?

Nickleback is planning on releasing another album. Should I ask white people to apologize for that?


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Aman captures the essence of it when he states:  ” It’s ridiculous for Muslims to continuously condemn and apologize for stuff when every religion has their fair share of crazies.”

The article tells you how powerful a role media can play as a single incident  is highlighted to an extent to put one fourth of the world’s population in a defensive position for no faults of their own.  Where else two World Wars were fought by mainly Christians and Jews without media pointing fingers to the religions of these World War crusaders!



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