Gay Chechens flee threats, beatings and exorcism

Source: BBC News

Family pressure has fuelled a sense of persecution felt by gay people in Chechnya, a mainly Muslim region in southern Russia.


Dozens have fled and some have been granted asylum abroad, amid reports of kidnap and torture by Chechen security forces targeting gay or allegedly gay people. Chechen officials deny the reported abuses.

Olga Prosvirova of BBC Russian interviewed two of those who fled in fear. They requested anonymity, so their names have been changed.

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Marko, a Chechen in her early 20s, will never forget the day her family found out she was gay.

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2 replies

  1. Those Muslim who persecute Gay Lesbidn are the Extremist Jews, Chridtian and Muslim. Yes God condemn Homosexual, it does not mean that Gay should be persecuted—that is wrong.
    Homosexual is not crime, but the act of sin.
    Only God has the right to persecute all sinful sin, every one are sinner.

    The biggest sin in Islam is the IDOLATRY, not homosexual.
    God never command Muslim to persecute idolatry. Right?

    Therefore those who persecute Gay lesbian, ahmadiyyah is the extremist Muslim or terrorist ideology. They are dangerous to civil siciety and pluralism.

    All our love ❤️

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