The Messiah Jesus, the Son of Mary, is dead (Proved from Bible, evidences from History & supported by Science)

The Truth Message – Part – 1.1: … Jesus is dead.

All References for the Messiah Jesus, Son of Mary

The Messiah Jesus, Son of Mary

The Messiah Jesus, Son of Mary

Tomb of Jesus found in Kashmir (It’s proved & confirmed)

Proofs are indeed available now to confirm that Jesus had survived crucifixion and traveled towards India to continue his ministry among the Tribes of Israel, as he was commissioned, and after successful completion of his mission, and died at the age of 120 years  in India where His tomb containing his body has been recently re-discovered—it can be seen to this day.

Hard to believe! … Isn’t it?

But yes… This is “Truth”. (…amazing discovery! It is time for the world to know)


But how is it even possible? Jesus was crucified. And he ascended to heaven to return in later days… isn’t this all what you heard always? Well, the breaking news is that: Jesus Survived Crucifixion.

Background Summary: Jesus himself prophesied that his fate would be like that of Prophet Jonah when he said,

“A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:39,40)

Clearly, it meant that: Jesus, at a particular time in his life, will be kept in the ‘heart of the earth’ for three days & nights, exactly like Jonah who was “in the belly of the huge fish” for days and three nights. Correct?

To be specific: Jesus was to be saved after being ‘nearly killed’ by crucifixion and kept in the ‘heart of the earth’ for three days & nights, exactly like Jonah who was saved after being ‘nearly killed’ by being “in the belly of the huge fish” for three days and nights. Obvious, isn’t it? Getting the point?

No, I know.

I think the major reason for Jesus to not die would be that without completing his mission he wouldn’t die… else his life would’ve been a failure. Oh well, tell me: Do you know: why was Jesus sent? What was his mission?

Let’s look into the Bible, come:

The mission: Jesus was sent as a Messiah for the 12 tribes of Israel’

Mosaic_Tribes [the 12 tribes of Israel]

Mosaic_Tribes [the 12 tribes of Israel]

12 Tribes of Israel found from a Synagogue in Jerusalem are: Reuben, Judah, Dan, Asher, Simeon, Issachar, Naphtali, Joseph, Levi, Zebulon, Gad and Benjamin.

‘For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost’ (Luke 19: 10) ‘… I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel’. (Matthew 15:24)

It is a historical fact that the Israelites were divided into 12 tribes at the time of advent of Jesus, however, only 2 of the total 12 dwelt in Israel and the rest ten had become lost, meaning dispersed in different lands (John, 7:34, 35) through various causes.

Conclusion: So then we can correctly conclude that ‘Crucifixion of Jesus’ was just an ‘attempt to murder’; and it failed in inflicting death upon him. And Jesus never died on the cross but was delivered and then lived to complete his mission and later died in Kashmir (India) – his final earthly abode – may his soul rest in peace… Amen

Convinced? Maybe yes… but No. We definitely need more reasons, proofs and clarifications…. Don’t we?

So please allow me to take you 2000 years back, right into the scenes of history and contest the prophecy. Thanks to The Holy Bible, it will help me with re-creating the scene for you. You got to see them all, don’t leave. ….they’re calling you since ages to witness His truth. Kindly come.


Wait! Let me ask you a question first: Do we or Can you actually believe that Jesus died? There are the concepts of Trinity and Atonement; we have a ‘Good Friday’ which commemorates his crucifixion and death, we also acknowledge ‘Easter’ as his resurrection and then there’s a prophecy of him coming back… and many other stories too. Whatever the stories be and whatever be his relationship with God…. Maybe he was the Son of God or Maybe he was one God amongst the three… could Jesus really die?

Of all the prophets in history, the life of Jesus Christ is perhaps the most controversial. There are many yet majorly four distinct beliefs today regarding his crucifixion and what happened to him afterwards. Let me put them before you:

Jews views: Jews totally reject Jesus and indeed believe that he was born out of adultery and that he died on the cross and therefore was not a true prophet because according to the Bible “one who is crucified is accursed by God”.

Muslim Mystery: All Muslims believe that Jesus was a great prophet of God. A prophet can’t die an accursed death so they believe he was taken away from the cross after being crucified (during the storm) and was placed on the fourth or perhaps fifth heaven or sky to be saved.

The traditional belief of the majority of Muslims is different however: They believe that original Jesus was never crucified at all, and that someone else resembling Jesus was crucified in his place. Jesus, instead, is supposed to have been raised to heaven, body and soul by the lord.

Nevertheless, all Muslims believe that he will surely come back in the latter days with their Mahdi. They now await his return.

The Christian Concept: Few Christians believe that he had died for them and thus washed their sins with his blood on the cross. And after some time he was resurrected, visited his disciples on a few occasions and, soon afterwards, ascended to heaven. They believe that Christ is alive up there and so are awaiting his second coming in the latter days.

Others: Now this lot of ‘Others’ believe that Jesus did die a peaceful death after successful accomplishment of his mission and also have a firm belief regarding his return.

Well, Well, Well! Now, if it was against his nature to die (because dear Christians: Gods don’t die – and – dear Jews Prophets can’t die an accursed death – and dear Muslims Prophet’s don’t leave their missions for a break) this could not have happened in the first place.

Yet we all agree that he left us (died or not). The remaining part of the enquiry would be as to where is he now? Did he die? If yes, then whether on the cross or afterwards? …and where did he go later, back to God from where he had come or sitting somewhere in the skies and waiting to return? And, the question remains if he is really going to come back after all?

The truth remains that his mission was incomplete when he was crucified and that He cannot die without completing it.

We will discuss each of these cases right from our Holy Books and then you can decide what to accept.

| May God help you dear reader with His special help in understanding these divine concepts |


“O Europe, you are not safe, O dwellers of Islands, and O Asia, you too are not immune. I see cities fall and settlements laid waste… Think not that earthquakes visited other continents but that your own country shall remain secure.

 The times of Noah shall reappear before your eyes, and your own eyes will be witnesses to the calamity that overtook the cities of Lot.

…earth-quakes such that they will shake Asia. Some of them will resemble the Day of Doom. …Havoc shall sweep the surface of the earth which shall be the greatest since the birth of man. Habitations shall be demolished as if no one had ever lived in them.

… Then mankind shall be sore distressed and wonder what is going to happen. … the world shall witness a terrible sight… I am to warn you…’

At this moment Mankind finds itself at the brink of disaster.

In this context, I am the bearer of a momentous message for you & all. I shall endeavor to make it brief. My message is of peace and harmony and of hope & happiness for all mankind for their present life and for their Hereafter. This message is especially send for all Christians, for all Muslims, for all Jews, for all Buddhists, for all Hindus and for all the other faiths of the world with all atheists included as well.

I earnestly hope that you will attempt to understand and think over this ‘Truth Message’ with an open and enlightened mind. (May God make it so, Amen)

I’m here to distribute those truths which were buried for thousands of years.

It is important for all friends to care to read this post completely at least once because knowledge is power and power creates valour: He who does not pay full attention to the directions of a Commissioned one and Messenger of God and does not study his writings with care – partakes in arrogance. Try, therefore, that you should not partake of arrogance in any respect so that you may escape ruin and you and your people attain salvation.


Coming back to The Greatest Miracle Ever: Jesus Survives Crucifixion

Crucifixion of Jesus (Src: )

Crucifixion of Jesus (Src: )

… but how?

His story, if compared to Jonah was of…

Survival — Not Revival: Check the prophecy of Jesus again now, you’ll know why!

Jesus himself prophesied that his fate would be like that of Prophet Jonah when he said,

“A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:39,40)

So before we determine what happened to Jesus, we must first understand what happened to Jonah, because Jesus claimed that the same miracle would be repeated, isn’t it?

What was the ‘Sign of Jonah’ then?

Did he die in the belly of the fish and was he later on revived from death? …Or what?

The sign of Jonah is related in the Bible like this: The Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights. From inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord, his God. He said: “In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me…” (Jonah 1:17, 2:1, 2).

There is unanimity among all Christian, Jewish and Muslim scholars that Jonah did not die in the belly of the fish – not even for one second! He precariously hung between life and death and was miraculously saved from that situation. All of us accept that: Some subtle laws of nature under the Divine command must have conspired together to save him from death, agreed?

Please remember: We are not debating the issue of that being possible or not. We are only pointing out that Jesus meant to say us that what happened to Jonah would also happen to him, and he could only have meant that what (everyone should have understood to have) happened in the case of Jonah would happen in his case too: The sign given above to the Ninevites by Jonah was that he was saved from a certain death. He did stay for a period of three days & nights in danger, but ultimately recovered and lived to complete his mission.

Jonah went alive into the belly of the fish, stayed alive there, and came out alive, now exactly, this was something meant to be understood for Jesus as well: That same fate was prophecied for Jesus: He would enter the tomb alive, stay alive, and come out alive.

Not one in the entire world of Judaism, whether in the land of Judea or anywhere else the Jews had dispersed and settled, would have received a different message from this claim of Jesus. They all believed that Jonah, miraculously or otherwise, survived for three days and nights in the belly of the fish and did not die in that period for a single moment.

Thus the story of Jonah is one of survival, not revival — Proved.


Let’s try to bring to light the actual similarities which were predicted by Jesus Christ between Jonah and himself. Those similarities spoke clearly of spending three days and nights in extremely precarious circumstances and a miraculous revival from near death, and not of coming back to life from the dead. The same, as Jesus claimed, would happen in his case.



Neither the Jews, nor the Christians, not even the Muslims have a firm belief that Jesus had died on the cross. God Almighty had created circumstances wherefrom the Jews and the Christians assumed that Jesus (as) did die on the cross, but they had no clear proof available to satisfy them, however. The evidence that has now become available establishes that God Almighty had delivered Jesus (as) from death on the cross.

God says in the Holy Book:

“And for their (Jews) saying, We did slay Jesus, son of Mary; whereas they slew him not, nor did they bring about his death upon the cross, but he was made to appear to them like one crucified [to death]; and those who [Muslims/Christians] differ therein are certainly in a state of doubt about it; they have no certain knowledge thereof, but pursue only a conjecture; and they did not arrive at a certainty concerning it...” (4:158-159)



Ok. So, the next Question then, “How did Jesus Survive then after being crucified?”

No debates please… You see, I’m just putting down whatever is written in our Holy books. Peace!

Shall we check details then? Please come with me… Let’s look into the scene before crucifixion now:

Prayer at Gethsemane:

When it appeared that there was no way to avoid the devious plans of the Jews to have him crucified, Jesus prayed (to God) fervently ‘to remove the cup’ of death upon the cross (Mark 14:36) (Matt 26:29) (Luke 22:42) and his prayer was heard (Heb.5:7).

Scotfillmer.com_John 17 [1-26] “The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus”

Scotfillmer.com_John 17 [1-26] “The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus”

Matthew 21:22 says“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer”.

Widely accepted concept of Atonement looses all its value here as Jesus (pbuh) himself is praying to be saved!

Jesus never wanted to die for the sins of others: Bible – our holy book itself stands as a proving witness that Jesus feared death on the cross and wished to avoid it …and Christians of today are lead to believe that Jesus atoned for their sins…! How beguiling!

D’u know, dear Christians, that latter part of Bible is all corrupted? Don’t worry; in the coming chapters we’ll discuss in detail as: Who changed the Bible and Why? It’s time we know some truth about our religion… it’s time we know the real facts… it’s time we know OUR PROPHET’s story correctly, it’s time we know OUR LORD, it’s time we understand the difference between right and wrong, between facts and fiction… enough of nonsense now! Please.

Well, coming back to the story: Jesus had full confidence that his prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane would be accepted as he had himself told his disciples. Check the scene below to confirm my statement:

After his supplication in the garden when Jesus was apprehended, one of his followers drew a sword, struck a servant of a high priest and cut off his ear. Jesus sternly rebuked him and said:

“Those who use the sword will be killed by the sword. Don’t you realize that I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect us, and he would send them instantly?” (Matthew 26:52-53)

This tell us that Jesus was now in perfect contentment that his prayer was accepted and all could be left now in the hands of God, with no need for active self-defense.

At a later stage however, when death looked imminent and he was in agony on the cross he cried “Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani” (My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!) (Matthew 27:45-46) because he did not expect that God would leave him to die a crucified cursed death! He fully believed his prayer was accepted.

Crying out aloud… Naturally, isn’t it?

The pious and holy person that Jesus was, it is impossible that God, our heavenly father, did not accept his prayer.

Well, the fact now: Jesus was only surprised & disappointed because he was given a promise of deliverance from cross by God during his supplications the night before. He didn’t know, however, that God had designed it in a different way.

God’s plan: God had caused Jesus to merely swoon out of the intense pain so that the sentries on guard could be misled to believe that he had died. (What excellent planning, isn’t it? God’s plans are great, as always, God is the Greatest!)

D’u still think Jesus died then? Think again… Would you agree? What are the possibilities?

Please remember: Jesus was only a human born of a woman; he was exactly like us physically, though much higher in spiritual status, of course! Peace be upon him.


God Blessed Him! Jesus is saved… delivered from the cross.

Wana know how? Read ahead then…

Let me take you to the ‘Events of the Crucifixion’ from the beginning, till the end now, of course from our Holy Books itself, nothing of my own… I will provide you facts from this present world as well which will stand as strong evidence to the story from the Books.

Dear reader: If you can be truthful to yourself you will not find even a single chance to deny the truth.

In the name of God,The Most Gracious, The Ever Merciful.

First scene: The Pilate’s Plot:

First of all, we know on the authority of the New Testament that Pilate’s wife was strongly averse to her husband passing judgment against Jesus because of the influence of a dream she had the night before Jesus’ trial. She was so terrified of the dream that led her to believe that Jesus was absolutely innocent and she thought it imperative to disturb the court proceedings to convey the message of the dream to her husband. Perhaps it was this urgent protestation by his wife that led Pilate to make a show of absolving himself of the responsibility of his condemnation of Jesus.

She passed on to Pilate “leave that innocent man alone” (Matthew 27:19).

Pilate eventually acquiesced to the demand of the Jews that Jesus be crucified as a riot was developing. However he then asked for a bowl of water and washed his hands before the crowd and exclaimed “I am innocent of the blood of this man. The responsibility is yours!” (Matthew 27:24).

The Pilate's Plot

The Pilate’s Plot

Now let us see: Pilate’s Secret Plan to Save Jesus

An analysis of the Gospel clearly reveals Pilate had an interest in saving Jesus’ life to the best of his ability while trying to maintain official execution procedure as mandated by Roman law.

Few notable points:

Point1: Pilate had set the crucifixion day just before the Sabbath because he very well knew that Jewish law specifically prohibits bodies to hang on the cross by the start of Sabbath which begins by sunset. Death would be unlikely to ensue within 3 hours for Jesus.

According to John (19: 14) it was about the sixth hour of the day (Friday) that Pilate spoke last to the Jews vis-à-vis Jesus crucifixion and handed him over to them.

‘And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani” (My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!) (Matthew 27:45-46)

This shows that Jesus (as) retained his consciousness up to the ninth hour.

And Most Importantly Here:

One can easily understand, believe and conclude from this scene the fact that – Neither Jesus (as) wanted to suffer for the sins of the world nor God wanted to sacrifice his so-called Son for the sins of others! Instead, proving that he was only a man with no thought of atoning for the sins of Mankind.

Jesus cried to God in desperation for his life to be spared, and indeed, God responded by saving Jesus (as) from dying on the cross.

My dear wise Christians don’t you see: The widely believed yet false concept of Atonement now vanishes into thin air.

Point2: Death by Crucifixion Takes Days

When the news of the supposed death of Jesus reached Pilate, he was surprised to learn that Jesus had passed away so soon (Mark 15:44).

His testimony is extremely important and revealing: Here was the man who probably had the most knowledge in his time of the nature of the punishment of crucifixion and likely officiated over many such crucifixions.

Death on the cross is meant to take days, not hours: Though many details of the crucifixion have been lost with the end of the Roman Empire, there are ample records to show this particular punishment took at least two to three days to kill a person.

For example, good testimony comes from historian Flavius Josephus in the first century A.D who described survivors of crucifixions. The writer Plutarch (c 75 A.D) mentions some individuals surviving some ten days on the cross.

The New Bible dictionary also concluded based on the historical facts of crucifixion that “death by this method was usually quite protracted, rarely supervening before thirty-six hours, and on occasion taking as long as nine days” (1962 Ed, Intervarsity Press, Page 282).

Jesus was for about 3 hours on the cross, and the healthy man that he was, would in no case be dead so soon… Agreed?

3. No eye-witness of death (after crucifixion)

Writers of the Gospels state that “there was darkness over all the land from the sixth to the ninth hour and that there was an earthquake and the rocks were rent and the veil of the temple was rent in twain.”

It is a matter of common experience that at the time of a severe dust-storm accompanied by an earthquake, people generally hasten to go home than stand to enjoy the luxury of a bloody sight. Now imagine for a moment, who could stand as an eye-witness to tell the story that Jesus actually died on the cross? Worth pondering, isn’t it?

Well, naturally, everyone so must have run away at the sight of the rising storm. And the shaking of the earth must have frightened them to turn to their heels and to hasten to their homes. As far as the disciples are concerned, The Holy Bible says,

‘But he began to curse and to swear saying, I know not this man (Jesus) of whom you speak’. (Mark 14:71)

‘And they forsook him (Jesus) and fled’. (Mark 14: 50)

So, almost everybody fled from the scene. To be brief, there was no one present on the scene who could definitely and certainly confirm that he saw Jesus (as) ‘giving up the ghost’.

When the time came to remove Jesus and the two others on the cross… let’s refer the Bible:

As John 31 says: Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. Because the Jewish leaders did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down. 32 The soldiers therefore came and broke the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, and then those of the other. 33 But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.

The line: “…he was already dead” It was all mere guesswork and imagination… i’ll prove this to you from Bible soon.

The continued line: “…they did not break the legs of Jesus (John 19:33). Well, this point fulfilled a prophecy!

The Gospel of John (19:36) tells us that the Scripture was fulfilled (based on Psalms 34:20) – “…not one of their bones will be broken.”

A fuller reading of Psalm 34, verses 19 and 20 underscores it: “The righteous face many troubles but the Lord rescues them from each and every one. For the Lord protects them from harm – not one of their bones will be broken.”

Now let’s collect all facts and put them together:

Jesus’ crucifixion day was set just before the Sabbath;
Jewish law specifically prohibits bodies to hang on the cross by the start of Sabbath;
We know Jesus (as) had retained his consciousness up to the ninth hour of the day and then… he fell into a swoon out the intense pain & tiredness.

The story continues… As the storm quieted, torches were brought. And this unconscious state of Jesus was understood as his death and is famously called as his ‘death’. Now, this (supposed) death was only the impression of an observer who was neither a physician nor had he any opportunity to medically examine him.

An onlooker, watching with such anxiety and concern lest death should overtake his beloved master, merely observed the dropping of the tired head with chin resting against the chest of Jesus.

John: 34 Instead, one of the soldier’s pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water. 35 The man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe.

However, when the body was brought down and an examination was done – it revealed that Jesus was not yet dead. The blood flowing from the wounds of his body proved that the body was not yet lifeless. Jesus had only lost consciousness on the cross.

So, now you know and it is confirmed that His (Jesus’) ‘supposed death’ was nothing more than a temporary swoon and as obvious as it may seem His Resurrection was simply His return to consciousness.

I’m sure you need more reasons… so read on, you’ll have them all in full measures.

  1. Corpses Do Not Bleed

An important piece of information is mentioned in the Gospel of John which supports the view that Jesus did not die on the cross: “One of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water” (John 19:34).

“…A Sudden Flow Of Blood And Water”—–a sign of a beating heart, you see.

Blood pouring out is a sign of intact circulation, with the spear injuring an arteriole. Note that the words ‘sudden flow’ implies blood pressure. The ‘water’ was perhaps pleural fluid, present between the rib cage and lungs.

Please put some common sense to use: One is considered dead as soon as his Heart stops beating… Heart-beat ensures blood flow… and blood does not rush out of corpses!

As blood does not rush out of corpses, the quoted verse did present a problem to at least one Church Father, Origen. In his exegesis of John 19:34, he admitted that blood coagulates after death, but the flow of blood in this case constituted a miracle and thus needed no explanation. (Contra Celsus, by Origen, translated by H. Chadwick, Cambridge U)

It was no miracle, it was just something natural. Stating it as a miracle will leave no room for discussion and the matter will be dismissed. But considering it as something natural will open more pathways towards truth. Oh, tell me: And how could one declare Jesus as dead if his heart was still pumping blood to his body?

Let’s see then what happened next…

  1. Roman protocol was that body would lie on the crucifixion grounds and then be subjected to the elements and animals; however, here when the body of Jesus was brought down Pilate allowed something quite interesting to take place by deviating from standard practice… He allowed Jesus to be given to Jesus’ friends and not his enemies.


After crucifixion and handing over to friends, naturally next would be… Jesus is Nursed Back to Health:

If you don’t believe me, read the Bible or allow me to put down the exact verses for you, please read on…


According to the Biblical account, after the body was handed over to Joseph of Arimathea (and Nicodemus), it was immediately removed to a secret place: a sepulcher with enough room not only for Jesus but also for two of his attendants to sit and take care of him. The Shroud of Turin was used for the body of Jesus (peace be upon him).

Full length negatives of the shroud of Turin

Full length negatives of the shroud of Turin

Concluding confirmations: After several years of investigations upon the shroud of Turin many scientists have come to the conclusion that it was used to cover (Christ’s) body after Crucifixion. The experts affirm that the Holy Shroud preserved in Turin did hold a crucified body that suffered exactly the same passion as Jesus, but state that this person did not die on the cross, rather was still alive: The twenty-eight bloodstains on the shroud confirm it. The investigators assure us that a corpse could never bleed in that manner.

So we know that Jesus was alive until bought down from the cross.


Healing Herbs: Used for healing the living — not embalming the dead, Please understand!

The Gospel of John records that Nicodemus brought myrrh and aloes ‘about a seventy-five pounds in weight’ (John 19:39). These plants, particularly aloe plants, are considered medicinal and are applied to wounds. It was used extensively in many ancient cultures and is used even today to soothe open wounds.

Mention of these two herbs are significant and very important as they show further proof that the disciples knew that Jesus (as) was still alive, since both herbs have healing properties and were used as medicine in the ancient world.

[Did you know? “Materia Medica” in Greek stated that this ointment was first prepared for the injuries received by Jesus Christ. The reference to this ointment is found in over a thousand books on medicine including the famous medieval near eastern classic textbook “Qanun by Bu Ali Sena” (Avicenna) which mentions an ointment termed Marham-e-Isa (Ointment of Jesus). The ointment is particularly suited to stop the flow of blood from external injuries. It is worthy of note that the ‘Ointment of Jesus’ is not mentioned in any of the books of medicine that were compiled before the event of the crucifixion, but is mentioned in more than a thousand authoritative medical books, compiled after the event of the crucifixion with the explanation that it had been prepared for Jesus (pbuh). Interestingly, the authors of these books belong to all religious denominations.]

Hm… so getting my point? Think_On dear. Read the books, know the truth.

Stop believing the Nonsense! Stop being a fool now at least when I am feeding The Perfect Truth to you. Peace.

Coming back to my story: Jesus had already predicted that like Jonah who had gone into the belly of the whale alive and had come out of it alive (Matt. 12:40) he would remain in the excavated sepulcher for three days and would come out of it alive.


Rightfully next proof: Jesus was Wounded, but Alive

Jesus says,

Behold, my hands and my feet, that it is I myself, handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have. (Luke 24:38-39)

The above verses settle the matter that Jesus came out of from the ‘heart of the earth’ alive. The above also confirms His Denial of being an apparition.

After the crucifixion, Jesus came under the care of his devoted followers. Now, if a man survived the death punishment, we would expect such a person to show clear evidence of the wounds to his friends & have expected him to keep a low profile and move away from the place of crucifixion, as there may be the chance of re-arrest… won’t we?

Let’s see what he did:

The Gospel testimony leads precisely to the same wise conclusion:

Jesus shows his wounds to Thomas (John 20:25-7), showing he did not have a supernatural, resurrected body, but a patient’s body.

Doubting Thomas

Doubting Thomas

His disciples saw him in his physical body: Jesus says,

Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet. While they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, have ye here any meat? And they gave him a piece of broiled fish and of an honeycomb. And he took it, and did eat before them.” (Luke 24:39-43)

The above confirms His Denial of being an apparition; he actually called for food as usually a hungry human does.

[The idea of a supernatural or spiritual body asking for food is almost oxymoronic!]

This way the disciples of Jesus (as) bear witness that a few days after the event of the crucifixion they beheld, on the physical body of Jesus (as), the marks of the wounds and injuries that had been inflicted upon him in the course of the process of crucifixion, and that he did not observe any glorified manifestation.

Not once did Jesus appear before his persecutors or wandered through the center of Jerusalem now (ahem! We were right, aren’t we?) asking people to accept him now as the resurrected Messiah who had atoned for their sins (as supposed).

[A question: From the Biblical accounts of the New Testament, it is determined that Jesus (as) was put on the cross when he was observing the feast of the Passover ( Matthew 26:17-19, Mark 14:12-16, Luke 22:7-15, John 18:28,39, 19:14). But Jesus (as) did not predict or indicate that this would happen. So where does the concept of Jesus (as) atoning for the sins of mankind as the paschal or sacrificial Lamb originate?] We will talk on more of this …soon.

Well, to continue with the scene after Jesus survived crucifixion:

He hurriedly traveled away from the locality of the crucifixion and chose to meet only his closest followers: “Go tell my brothers to leave for Galilee, and they will see me there.” (Matthew 28:10).

Now these faithful followers of Jesus decided not to tell anyone about his emergence from the tomb (Mark 16:8)

There is the evidence of the disciples that Jesus (as) travelled in their company for a few miles on his way to Galilee, and that, at their request had passed a night at Emmaus. The disciples bear witness that Jesus (as) was at that time hungry and asked them for food, and was given broiled fish and a honeycomb to eat. This also confirms that he was then in his physical body, and had not discarded it for a spiritual, or a glorified manifestation.

To detail the event: Among the testimonies of the Bible in support of Jesus’ escape from death on the Cross is his journey to a far-off place, on which he started after coming out of the tomb.

On the morning of Sunday he first met Mary Magdalene, who at once informed the disciples that Jesus was alive, but they did not believe her. Then he was seen by two of the disciples when they were going out to the countryside towards the hamlet called Emmaus which was at a distance of 3.75 miles from Jerusalem;

Jesus wanted to part company with them, but they did not allow him to go, saying that that night they would be together. He then dined with them, and all of them, along with Jesus, spent the night at the village named Emmaus. Now, to say that Jesus did all this with a spiritual body (which is supposed to be the nature of the body after death), which only the physical body was capable of doing, as, for example, eating and drinking, and sleeping, and making a long journey to Galilee which was at a distance of seventy miles from Jerusalem, is saying something impossible and quite against reason.

And last of all he appeared to the eleven when they were at their meal and censured them for their callousness and lack of faith.

In spite of the fact that on account of individual bias the accounts of the gospels have differed, the texts as they are, nevertheless, clearly show that Jesus met his disciples in the ordinary mortal human body, and made a long journey on foot to Galilee; showed his wounds to the disciples, dined with them at night, and slept in their company.

So people, all we have here is a man in his earthly body of flesh and bones (Luke 24:39) who suffered pangs of hunger (Luke 24:41) and is staying out of the public eye.

In convincing his disciples that he had the same wounded body, he in effect was showing he never died as God saved him from the ordeal “just as Jonah emerged alive from the fish.

Prophecy completed! Congratulations!

All this now confirms that Jesus (as) comported himself, after the event of the crucifixion, all the time, according to the requirements of a physical, material body, eating, drinking, sleeping and travelling… activities which are utterly inconsistent with his having discarded his physical body, and having assumed a glorified spiritual manifestation.

It is thus perfectly proved now that Jesus (as) did not die upon the cross.

My Dear Christians: Credulous imagination built up the theory of the so-called resurrection and physical ascension of Jesus to the sky, actually belongs entirely to the realm of fiction and NOT facts.

D’u know?

The glory of the Resurrection is due to Mary Magdalene… The image created by her vivid susceptibility still hovers over the world. She, as chief among visionaries has better than any other, made the vision of her impassioned soul a ‘real thing’ to the world’s conviction.

That grand cry from her (a tender woman’s heart), “He is risen!” has become the mainspring of faith to Christians… feeble reason! It must be noted as well that this word of Mary Magdalene made her the author of this incredible ‘Resurrection story’. But who made her so? We will discuss it …soon.

Few facts:

‘Nobody, except a few close ones knew that Jesus was nursed back to health, so came the concept of Resurrection’


‘Nobody, except a few close ones knew that He went away from the city avoid re-arrest, so came the concept of Ascension.’

According to Kirsopp Lake: In the earliest tradition there was no account of the actual Resurrection, but only statements as to the grave and the appearances of the risen Jesus; there was therefore no account of actual ‘Ascension to heaven’. It could have been only attached to match his status as ‘heavenly being’.

All doubts cleared?

| May God help you dear reader with His special help in understanding these divine concepts |

The reported affirmation of Jesus (as): “But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee” (Matthew 26:32), does not cast any doubt on his deliverance from the cross. It is no wonder that a person who was nailed to the cross and had become unconscious so that he appeared to be dead, should, after regaining consciousness, feel that he had risen again. In this context, the expression “risen again” cannot mean coming back to life after suffering death. There is no doubt, however, that the deliverance of Jesus (as), in all the circumstances of his crucifixion was a great miracle, divine in nature and was not a normal event.

S.V. McCasland mentions: ‘The earliest record which has come down to us from the beginning Christian movement (sources of Matthew and Luke) does not record even a single reference to the supposed divine resurrection of Jesus.

All the points above prove that: Jesus did not die upon the cross, but lived to complete his mission. … Now if Jesus did not die on the cross and did not ascend to heaven either, then where did he go?

Allow me to explain please, have patience please. May peace be with you.


Life After Crucifixion

(God disclosed this matter to The Promised Prophet, who marked the re-advent of Jesus as prophesied in the Holy Bible … for strong reasons of course! Assuringly, you’ll know them all too.)

Let me be the first to give you this news to you: His tomb, containing his body, has been recently discovered in Khan Yar Street, Srinagar, Kashmir, India where it can be seen to this day… Well, if you already know it then I am the second or the third or the fourth or the… Oh well, a one who fed you some truth!

Shall we go back to our discussion on Jesus then?

So, why did Jesus go to Srinagar, Kashmir, India? (Major question, isn’t it?)

We know: The mission of Jesus was: Sent as a Messiah for the ‘lost sheep of Israel’

Let’s look into Bible for help and more details.

  1. ‘But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel’. (Matthew 15:24).
  1. ‘For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost’. (Luke 19: 10).
  1. ‘And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd’. (John 10:16).

(Please read Bible for more proofs & references)

To summarize: Jesus (as) was raised among the children of Israel with a mission to look after its 12 tribes (sheep of the shepherd Jesus).

The Shepherd with His Sheep (Jesus with his tribe)

The Shepherd with His Sheep (Jesus with his tribe)

As said earlier: It is a historical fact that only 2 tribes of the total 12 dwelt in Palestine at the time of his advent. Ten (10) tribes had, through various causes, been lost and dispersed through Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Kashmir (India) (John, 7:34, 35). They were “lost” not only because they had been cut off from their original home, but they were also “lost” in the sense that they had been weaned away from the Law of Moses (as) – More details on this part ….soon.

The route taken by Jesus (peace be upon him) and his mother to these areas has been mention in Rawzat-us-Sufa, a well-known history book in pages 130-135. According to this book Jesus (as) [peace be upon him] traveled from his home country of Nasibian (means that Jesus (as) after bidding farewell to his disciples at Galilee, traveled to northeast 450 miles and reached Nasibian. It is noteworthy that Nasibain (Nasibus) lies between Syria and Mosul, 450 miles from Jerusalem and 150 miles from Persia. Persia adjoins Herat in Afghanistan.). Next he went to Mosul, Tehran, Herat, and Peshawar en route to Kashmir.

Everywhere he went, he preached his message. It seems these tribes were receptive to the glad tidings given by Jesus (peace be upon him) and they accepted him readily.

This account given provides the missing link in the unknown life of Jesus and leads to the conclusion that Jesus went to India at last to settle down.

The Islamic Holy Qur’an too mentions about the shelter provided to Jesus and his mother (peace be upon them), saying,

“And We made the son of Mary and his mother a sign; and gave them shelter on an elevated land of green valleys and springs of running water…” (23:51) …an apt description of the valley of Kashmir.

Commonsense confirms that the place which is mentioned in this verse of the Holy Quran is Kashmir because it does not have any resemblance to Jerusalem.

Quiet clearly he was accepted everywhere because they were the descendants of the lost ten tribes of Israel. Jesus (peace be upon him) preached the unity of God and was able to unite the Israelites before leaving this world at the age of 120 years. He is buried in Khanyar, Srinagar, Kashmir, India. His grave is known as grave of Yus Asaph or Nabi Sahib. For full details, please read ‘Jesus in India’ [1899].

Or you can continue the discussion right here with us.

So whatever were the missions of Jesus then? Did he complete them?

One of the two principal purposes of the advent of Jesus (pbuh) was, that he should re-establish these lost sheep of the house of Israel on the true teachings of the law of Moses (as), and that he should win them back into the fold of Moses (as) and into the obedience on the Unity of God, and obedience to Mosaic law.

Jesus (as) achieved great success in this mission and all his 12 tribes achieved the good fortune of believing his prophethood, and became firmly established on the Unity of God.

All the points above prove that: Jesus did not die upon the cross, but lived to complete his mission… still doubting? Well then, read ahead… I’m commissioned to remove all doubts and to bring forth the true story of Jesus. Read further and you’ll see many of your false beliefs fading away.


More Evidences:

Couple of Testimonies from the scriptures of South-Asian country, India:

1st: The ancient books of Hindus are called PuraNas. One book, Bhavishya Maha Purana which is believed to have originated in 115AD mentions Jesus Christ (as) in Kashmir, long after the Crucifixion. It contains a detailed account of a king of India, Salivahana (Gautamiputra Satakarni) who reigned from 78 to 102AD, meeting “Isa-Masih” (Jesus the Messiah) – a religious personage of fair complexion who was a foreigner. If this date is accurate, it dates to a similar time as the Gospels that make up the New Testament.

2nd: The prophet Yuz Asaf (‘Jesus, the Gatherer’ in Old Persian language) came to Kashmir from the West (Holy Land) in the reign of Raja Gopdatta (c 1st century A.D) according to the ancient official documents held by the current custodian of the tomb.

3rd: Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, Premier of India writes in his book ‘Glimpses of World History’:

‘All over central Asia, in Kashmir and Ladakh and Tibet and even further North, there is still a strong belief that Jesus or Isa travelled about there’. (Page 84)

4th: A dialogue worth pondering by John Noel in his article, The Heavenly High Snow Peaks of Kashmir, published in a monthly magazine, Asia, October 1930, U.S.A:

‘Immensely strong are the picturesque, broad-shouldered Kashmiri peasants, and yet docile and meek in temperament. One thing about them strikes you with enormous force. They seem more perfectly Jewish you have ever seen – Not because they wear a flowing, cloak-like dress that conforms to your ideas of Biblical garments but because their faces have the Jewish cast of features.’ (I would add, ‘their skin too’)

‘This curious coincidence, or is it a coincidence?… that is a strong tradition in Kashmir of connection with Jews. For a good many years there have been afloat in this land rumours that Christ did not really die upon the Cross but was let down and disappeared to seek the lost tribes, that he came to Kashmir, Ladakh, and little Tibet, and died and was buried in Srinagar. Kashmir legend, I have been told, contains reference to a prophet who lived here and taught as Jesus did, by parables-little stories that are repeated in Kashmir to the present day’.

Evidence shows that the peoples of Afghanistan, Kashmir, and neighboring areas are of Israelite ancestry. Their physical features, language, folklore, customs and festivals attest to their Israelite heritage. Evidence also comes from the names by which they are called and also the ones that they give to their villages, their monuments and ancient historical works.

Amongst other writers concurring in this view may be mentioned the honoured name of Sir William Jones.

The names of a number of towns and cities of Afghanistan and Kashmir are identically the same as those of ancient Syria. For example, the names of Kabul, Himis, Gilgit, Laddakh, Leh, Suro, and Sukat may be compared with Kabul, Hams, Golgotha, Laddak, Lehi, Shur, and Succoth of ancient Syria. Now this constitutes as one of the strongest proofs of the fact that the ancestors of the people of Afghanistan, Kashmir and the adjoining provinces came from ancient Syria, representing the lost tribes of Israel.

  1. Bernier’s Travels, p. 430 reads: In recent times visitors to Cashmir (Cashmere / Kashmir) seeing the names Rahimju, Lusju, Julju, etc common names of the trades people who cater to foreign visitors in Srinagar, written up as Rahim Jew, Jul Jew, Jus Jew, have imagined that the bearers of these names were Jews of Nationality. Their Jewish cast of features of many of the inhabitants of Cashmere is noted by many modern travellers. 
  1. ‘…the majority of Eastern writers consider them to be the descendants of one of the ten tribes of Israel, and this is the opinion of the Afghans themselves.’ (J.E. Ferrier, History of the Afghans, p.1.) translated by W. M. Jesse. (John Murray, London, 1858).

Page 4. When Nadir Shah, marching to the conquest of India, arrived at Peshawar, the chief of the tribe of Yoozoof Zyes presented him with a Bible written in Hebrew and several other articles that had been used in their ancient worship and which they had preserved. These articles were at once recognized by the Jews who followed the camp.

  1. An interesting account of the life of Jesus is recorded in a well-known historical work, “Rawzatus-Safaa”, the sum and substance of an excerpt of which I put below (Page 133-135):

Jesus was called ‘the travelling Messiah’ because he was a great traveller. He travelled from country to country and from city to city…. In course of one of his travels, he came to Nasibain, 700 miles from his native land. In that trip, he was accompanied by some of his disciples whom he sent into the city to preach. Due to false rumors about him and his mother, the Governor of the city had them arrested, and Jesus was summoned. Jesus miraculously healed some people and performed other wonders. Result came beautifully as the ruler and all his armies and people became the followers of Jesus. (All Glory & Praise belongs to the Lord, the Almighty, the One God!).

The most remarkable thing about the tomb is that it is known not only as the tomb of Nabi Sahib, but also as that of Isa Sahib.

Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, the second caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community paid a visit to the tomb; and when he asked an old woman, the last survivor of a long line of the hereditary attendants of the tomb, as whose tomb it was, she replied: ‘It is the tomb of Isa Sahib.’

Being asked why she called it the tomb of Isa Sahib, while the Maulvis [Islamic clergy] believed Isa to be in the heavens, she said, ‘Let them believe what they will. The name [Isa] is the one which we have been hearing from our forefathers.’


Now, you must ask me: Why are there no Jews in Kashmir then?

One has to keep in mind the phenomenon of what happens to a religion’s presence when another religion takes over. For instance modern day Afghanistan was a vast center of Buddhism and had some of the largest statues of Buddha in the world carved in stone. That faith has now vanished there.

Another example are the pagan religions of Europe prior to Christianity arriving there.

Exactly in the same way, the Israelite peoples of Afghanistan and Kashmir accepted Islam. Jesus (pbuh) himself had foretold the coming of messenger after him, the Paraclete of the gospels, fulfilled in the person of another great Prophet called, Muhammad (pbuh). With time, the old faith of Christianity was forgotten over generations so that now there are mainly ‘orthodox Muslims’ in these areas holding beliefs as other ‘orthodox Muslims’.

However, remnants of the followers of Jesus Christ still exist in the vicinity of Herat, Afghanistan. The British scholar O.M Burke in his book ‘Among the Dervishes’ has described these peoples, “Though they are now Muslims, they did not forget their Christian legacy. They have a special attachment to Jesus and refer to him as ‘Yuz Asaf, the Kashmiri’ who came to preach to them.”

The Hindu author Subhrajit Mitra’s (maker of a “The Unknown Story of the Messiah”) says:

There is so much supporting evidence in favour of this theory in the Hindu and Buddhist scriptures and the courtroom records of Indian kings. There are references in the Quran too. But no scientific work has been done on this as yet… 

Nicolas Notovich, Levi H. Dowling, Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra ji, Sufi Mutiur Rahman Bengalee, Nicholas Roerich, J.D.Shams, Mathilde Ludendorff, Swami Abhedananda, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Holger Kersten, etc are few of the several other authors who have written on this subject.


Now let’s go to the: Tomb of Jesus: Rauzabal… Come.

Tomb of the Messiah Jesus,  Son of Mary

Tomb of the Messiah Jesus, Son of Mary

The burial place of Jesus in Kashmir is known to the locals as “Rauzabal”, meaning ‘The Honored Tomb’.

“Rauza” is a term used to denote the tomb of a celebrated personality, someone noble, wealthy or saintly.

Anjuna, which is Sanskit for John/Johannes, built the tomb around 89AD. The tomb was first mentioned in documents from 112AD which states, that a protective building had been constructed over the crypt. The tomb is said to have been tended by an Israeli looking family.

The tomb is known as the tomb of YOUZA ASOUPH or Yus Asaf
(Yus Asaf is a Hebrew name where YUS or YOUZA means ‘Jesus’ in Old Persian language and

ASAF or ASOUAPH is the Biblical name meaning COLLECTOR or GATHERER).

Local tradition states that the entombed was a prophet of Ahl-e-Kitab (People of the Book), and his name was Isa: Isa is one of the names attributed to Jesus (as) in the Eastern traditions that mention him. This name also appears in the Indian Sanskrit text of the Bhavishya Mahapurana and is not a translation.

He was called ‘Nabi’ which in Hebrew means ‘a prophet’, so he was a Hebrew Prophet.

Jewish-style east-west grave of the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary

Jewish-style east-west grave of the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary

The tomb is Jewish as attested by the direction of the grave AND next to the grave is a footprint engraved in stone, an artistic rendition of the wounds of crucifixion.

Foot prints of Crucified Jesus

Foot prints of Crucified Jesus

These stand as another most significant piece of physical evidence linking the inhabitant of the Rozabal to Jesus Christ (as) as these show marks on the feet of one who has been crucified with a single nail driven through both feet. The book ‘Jesus in India’ states that this tomb has an opening like the sepulcher.

Board / Banner of the Shrine of Jesus

Board / Banner of the Shrine of Jesus

At the place there are two tombs, one of Sayyid Nasrud Din and the other of Yus Asaph.

The book Ikmal-ud-Din (An Arabic work of 1000 years ago, page 359) records:

He (Yus Asaph) wandered about in several lands and cities until he reached a land called Kashmir. So he moved about in the land and lived and stayed therein until death overtook him, and he left his body of clay and ascended to the light, and before he breathed his last, he summoned a disciple of his, named Yabid, who used to serve him and wait on his person and was perfect in all matters, and addressed him thus:

‘My departure from this world hath drawn nigh; so you must perform your duties and must not swerve from the truth and should observe all rites.’ Then he bade the disciple build him a tomb, and stretching out his legs, and his face to the east, and yielded up the ghost.’


There are many who believe this to be the tomb of Jesus (as). If this is the tomb of Jesus (as), then he spent most of his life in the mountain kingdom of Kashmir. He did not die on the cross, there was no resurrection. He did not ascend into heaven, and he does not sit at the right hand of God. For many Christians this would be the end of Christianity as we know it. [BBC 4 – ‘Did Jesus Die?’ – Wild Planet Films, 2003]

People, you must read the book ‘Jesus in India’ it has many many more details and research reports and analysis of facts through Bible and Historical evidences and so much more!

This is a delicate point which when pondered over will lead investigators in this field to a great and important conclusion. The coffin of Jesus (as) lies under this room and can be reached through a narrow staircase.

May Peace Be Upon You O Beloved Prophet Jesus and May Peace Be Upon Kashmir, the paradise on earth.

The main story completes here. So we have all points presented properly to prove the point.


A person cannot, in reality, abandon his old ideas until he begins to think with a clear mind, listens with careful attention and gives due consideration to all aspects of the matter.

Hence, when a person hears something new, he should not immediately oppose it and even should not immediately accept it. It should be considered his duty to carefully consider all aspects of the matter with due care, honesty and justice. Above all, he should ponder over it in solitude with the fear of God before him.

Why I am saying is because this is no small or ordinary matter; this demands more than a cursory attention. This is a matter of great magnitude. The above is not something that has been concocted by me – it is something that has been stated by God. It is for this reason that he who dares to falsify it, does not falsify me but falsifies the signs of God and God himself. Falsification of me is not of concern to me but I do feel sorry for the person who, through his own foolishness, invites the wrath of God.

I am confident that those endowed with the gift of reason & wisdom will think sincerely about this point and shall surely come to the conclusion that the entombed person in Khan Yar Street in Srinagar, Kashmir is the Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Mary, a praised prophet from the Lord, and thus might redeem hundreds of millions of their fellow-beings from worshipping a man who was sent to call the people to the worship of the one and the only God.

This is not the end of my story, though.

***End of Subject: Death of Jesus***

I have thus proved ‘Death of Jesus’ for my Christian family, next I will prove the same from the Qur’an at a later part of this ‘truth message’ for my Muslim family.

Truth is a terrible thing… and only a few have the courage to accept it…. Weak are the ones who give up before understanding – Fools follow what others said… but wise are those who search for truth: Know it: Test it: Accept it.

Choose whom you want to be.

You have all rights to disbelieve me… but an option to believe me as well.

Free at your will, you can go where your heart leads to.

I will pray my dear lord to guide you as I desire for you the best life and hereafter,… and God willing, he’ll accept my request.

O Lord, accept this from me; for Thou art the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing;


Has Christianity failed as a religion?

A religion fails in its entirety when its basic values & beliefs are found all wrong. And we know how the concepts of Christianity followed today are all corrupted, erroneous, and misleading. The current Christian concepts are far beyond truth & wisdom. They even misquote the ‘Divine Being – the Supreme Lord’! What else would you consider following when the Lord himself is wronged in a religion?

Allow me to quote few quotations from Kurt Berna’s book in German “Jesus Did Not Die on the Cross” who in his letter to Pope John XXIII clearly mentioned that “…this discovery [of Shroud of Turin] suggests that the present and past teachings of Christianity are incorrect”.

Positive / Photograph developed from the Negative of Shroud of Turin

Positive / Photograph developed from the Negative of Shroud of Turin

Admittedly the physical resurrection and ascension of Jesus (as) are the most crucial facet of the Christian faith. The entire foundation of Christian belief is based on the supernatural and miraculous resurrection of Jesus’(as) after atonement for the sins of mankind through his death.

If, however, on the other hand we choose to believe that Jesus (as) actually died on the cross, we would also have to admit that all his efforts were lost in vain, and that it was a shameful end of his ministry by the accursed death by crucifixion!

Stuck between Devil and the Deep, are we not? There’s only one way out: Accept the truth. And many more truths are waiting to be understood in coming chapter titled: Corrupted concepts of Christianity – Please do read it.


The central figure of Christianity, Jesus was a practicing Jew.

Truth remains that Jesus Christ was only a prophet and he never intended to found a new religion and told his followers that the Mosaic Law still applied to them. He, however, impressed upon the people to acquire certain qualities such as charity, forgiveness, humility and a special love for God, which were fast becoming extinct among the Israelites. He, as a prophet, came fulfilling the promises made by Moses as he himself says referring to the Torah, the cornerstone of Jewish faith and practice:

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled (Matthew 5:17-18).

John 5:46 says:

Jesus said “If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he (Moses (pbuh)) wrote about me.

Jesus is ONLY a prophet:

In various places, at various times, several people called Jesus as  the ‘prophet’, yet Jesus never corrected them, rebuked them, nor told them otherwise. When the Pharisees called him otherwise, He set them straight. See Matt. 21:11, John 1:45, 6:14, 7:40, Luke 7:16, 24:19, etc.

Jesus (as) called himself a prophet – John 4:44.

So you see, there’s an obvious ambiguity.

Moses (pbuh) predicted the appearance of a prophet, but most Christians do not believe that Jesus (pbuh) actually was a prophet of God. Instead, he is held to be as the Divine Lord by them. The very foundation of present-day Christianity is based on the concept that Jesus was the ‘Son of God’ to support the story of Atonement OR called ‘The Third of the Three’ in Trinity. However, Moses (pbuh) did not prophesized about a “Son of God” or “coming of God”; he prophesied about the advent of a great prophet only.

Another Majorly Important point to be noted is that: Jesus (pbuh) was the last prophet in the Mosaic dispensation, and there was to be no other prophet in Israel after him. Prophethood was to be cut off from Israel (for specific reasons-We’ll talk more on this point in-depth in the later session where we discuss prophethood of Jesus.]

The Christianity of today, with beliefs in the Trinity and the Original Sin owes its origin to later developments and cannot be attributed to the teachings of Jesus Christ. I’ll soon provide proofs from the times right after the death of Jesus, and from the times when the foundations of Christianity were being laid and we will see how and when misconceptions crept in.

Thus on the basis of all of the above proofs we could conclude that…

‘Jesus (as) accomplished his mission and succeeded in the achievement of the purpose of his advent’

What about Mother Mary though? Was She divine or just human?

Mary, Mother of Jesus, the Messiah

Mary, Mother of Jesus, the Messiah

As far as Mary (as) is concerned, few people believe that after the crucifixion of Jesus she went into a deep, sleep-like state and then was buried in Gethsemane, however, when apostles arrived at her grave, her body was gone. Few other people believe that she was taken bodily and alive to heaven… huh!

To add further mystery to the person of Mother Mary in the Christian dogma let me mention another dogma of the Church. It is the doctrine or the dogma of ‘Assumption of Mary.’ According to the belief of Christians of the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Catholic Churches, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, and parts of the Anglican Communion and Continuing Anglicanism, the Assumption of Mary was the bodily taking up of the Virgin Mary into Heaven at the end of her life. The Roman Catholic Church teaches as dogma that the Virgin Mary “having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.”

This doctrine was dogmatically and infallibly defined by Pope Pius XII on November 1, 1950 in his Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus. It took the Catholic Church 19-20 centuries after the creation of Canon of the New Testament to understand and precisely define this mystery. This belief is known as the Dormition of the Theotokos by the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches. In the churches which observe it, the Assumption is a major feast day, commonly celebrated on August 15. In many countries it is a Catholic Holy Day of Obligation. The Protestants do not believe in this doctrine as they do not find any anchors in the New Testament for this dogma.

Then there’s also the Doctrine of Immaculate Conception hich is a Roman Catholic doctrine asserting that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was preserved from the effects of Original Sin from the first moment of her conception. The doctrine was defined as a dogma binding on Catholics by Pope Pius IX in the papal bull Ineffabilis Deus (1854). The doctrine as defined was debated by theologians during the Middle Ages and was rejected by Saint Thomas Aquinas. It is based on the biblical idea of Mary’s holiness (Luke 1:28), early church teachings on Mary as the “new Eve,” and the belief that Mary is the mother of God (Theotokos, or “God-bearer”), articulated at the Council of Ephesus (431).

Problems created by the Christian dogma are endless… only if Christians will fully wake up and examine their dogma and faith on rational grounds would some real teachings of Christ reign.

Wait! Before we go into considering Holy Mary as a supernatural creature and into accepting her being taken alive to heaven, let’s hire our brains to think upon the below.

It is already very clearly proved that the person entombed in Khan Yar Street, Srinagar, Kashmir, India is Jesus, now can we think that Jesus left his dear mother to suffer for his unexplainable absence, oh well, escape is perhaps the right word, isn’t it?

Can we actually assume that he left her in such terrible mess, all alone, to fight against the Jews, the Romans and to answer their unpleasant questions? Well, I do not believe it. And, I have reasons to do so.

Come let’s explore a little more.

Didn’t we earlier read from the Holy Book that God provided shelter to Jesus and his mother (peace be upon them), saying,

“And We made the son of Mary and his mother a sign; and gave them shelter on an elevated land of green valleys and springs of running water…” (23:51)

So we know both (Jesus & Mary) of them were together until at least they reached the valley of Kashmir, agreed? No? Still doubting… well my dear, you have all reasons in the world to doubt me; and so you must give me all chances to clear your doubts and put forth the truth before you – uncovered and complete.

But first Let us trace the ten lost tribes of Israel through the travels of Jesus and we’ll find our dear Mother or say Her Holiness Mary, the Mother of Jesus on the way.

Ten lost tribes of Israel and the travels of Jesus

Part1: Travel of Jesus

The route of Messiah Jesus from the book - Jesus in India

The route of Messiah Jesus from the book – Jesus in India

The proclaimed mission of Jesus was to seek that means to first search, then preach to and thus save the lost tribes of Israel.

Following his escape from the cross and sensing danger in staying at the place of his persecution, we find him traveling in disguise to Damascas through Judea, Samaria, Nazareth and to the Sea of Tiberius in search of the lost tribes. The place where Jesus first stayed for a time about two miles from Damascus is even to this day know as Maqam-i-Isa which in English means “the staying” or in our case “halting place of Jesus”.

Mir Muhammad Khawand Shah Ibn-i-Muhammad wrote in his famous book “Rauza-tus-Safa fi Sirat-ul-Ambia wal Muluk wal Khulafa” (The Gardens of Purity concerning the biography of the Prophets and Kings and Caliphs) that the Jews turned Jesus out of their city and Jesus and Mary set out and went to Syria. From Syria Jesus travelled to Mosul and then to Aleppo.

It is stated during his journey Jesus travelled incognito under the name of Yuz Asaf, the word Yuz stands for Yusu (meaning Jesus) and Asaf in Hebrew means gatherer, namely, one who was to collect the lost sheep of Israel… matches perfectly, isn’t it?

Next we hear of Jesus in Iran. It is said that Yuz Asaf came to this country from the West and preached there and many believed him. The sayings of Yuz Asaf as recorded in Iranian traditions are similar to those of Jesus. (Agha Mustafai, Ahwali Ahalian-i-Para, 219).

We can then trace Jesus in Afghanistan: In Ghazni (Western Afghanistan) and in Jalabad (in the extreme south-east of Afghanistan) there are two platforms which bear the name of Yuz Asaf, for he sat and preached there.

We then find a quotation from Acta Thomae which records the presence of Jesus and Thomas at Taxila, in present day Pakistan.

Jesus, his mother Mary, and Thomas proceeded towards Murree also in Pakistan.

Can you guess as why did this place is called Murree?

This mind boggling “Mari Hill Top” is located around 7500 feet high above sea level and is a beautiful hill station from the time of the British India. It was them who first established a Hill Station over there. Before this, it was considered a sacred place of Worship by both Hindus and Muslims who came there to worship a holy tomb whose sacredness stretched from the times of past.

Think hard people, it’s very simple.

Yes, you’re right. This hilltop is the very site is the very place where you can find the Tomb of Mary – the final abode or resting place of Her Holiness Mary – the Mother of Jesus (to God we belong and to him we return).

Mai Mari Da Asthan [The Resting Place of Mother Mary - Mother of the Messiah Jesus]

Mai Mari Da Asthan [The Resting Place of Mother Mary – Mother of the Messiah Jesus]

The site has been maintained and honored as far back as anyone can remember. Its importance can be judged from the fact that the surrounding country is named after the supposed gravesite. This town Murree was until 1875 called Mari [English: Mary] and was named after her. Her tomb adjoining the Defense Tower is even today called: “Mai Mari da Asthan” in Punjabi which in English means: The resting place of Mother Mary. [Mai=Mother, Mari=Mary, da=of, Asthan=Place]

Murree is often referred to as the “Queen of Hills,” or others refer it as “The Queen’s Mountain” after our Blessed Queen Mother Mary.

We can almost with certainty trace the entry of Jesus into Kashmir through a valley called Yusu Margh which is named after him and where the race of Yudu (Jews) is still to be found. It lies on the bridle route followed by merchants coming, generally on foot, from Kaghan and Afghanistan. The Kaghan valley on one side touches Kashmir and on the other the Murree hills. Aish Muqam (about 47 miles from Srinagar) is not far from Yusu Margh. In fact it lies on the same route. Aish or Ashush is a perversion of Issa (Jesus).

“If the authenticity of all the holy places in Kashmir is established, it will place Kashmir firmly on the global map as a leading pilgrimage site of Christians and Jews and Muslims, and you will have pilgrim traffic from all over the world”…so says Suzanne Olsson, another great researcher (and a friend of mine) who believes that the tomb in Srinagar is of Jesus (pbuh), and I think I can agree with her.

To those who are still hungry to have more knowledge about truths of Jesus, please read on… we have so much more to discuss and it’s all very interesting.


I would never want to hurt anybody… forgive me, if by any chance, I’ve done so.

| May God help you dear reader with His special help in understanding these divine concepts |


… BUT there comes a question: What shall the Christians do now?

I mean, Christians believe Jesus (pbuh) as their Lord, or at least one amongst the three; they worship him – And now that it’s proved that He was only a human and died a normal human death… What shall the Christians do now?

Confused? Worried?

Relax my dear! Check for the good news written below. Peace be upon you.

O Well! Wait… Here comes another question: What are the reasons to keep this secret till this day (I know you’re thinking this, aren’t you?)Tell me then, Isn’t there a time for everything?

We will come back to this later, please excuse me now.

And O yes! Did you know that Jesus was not born in December?

Read further and you’ll know more… and this is all Truth, only perfect truth… sounds all so amazing! Isn’t it?

I know, we’ve been following so many wrong traditions till today! Pathetic!

The internet and heads of people are so full of crap & stupid corrupted concepts these days… and they’ve been spreading around without any proofs or reasonability. And it’s the same with almost all religions of this planet today… pretty natural to happen with time, isn’t it?

The three most important world religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — who account for the majority of the world population, have a deep though conflicting interest and involvement in Jesus. This presentation is designed to demand attention from the world believers on a matter of great importance so that the controversy around the person of Jesus is resolved and all seekers after truth are enable to shed their wrong beliefs. It certainly is an invitation to each one of us to reflect deeply on the matter, weigh objectively the evidence and historical proof now available, and acknowledge the truth even if it should be in conflict with our present beliefs.

I believe it is only a matter of time before the world will be compelled to acknowledge the truth which will have a profound impact on the adherents of all the three great world religions and will greatly help them to reach common ground from which should arise an era of tranquility and peace after which the world of believers will unify.


The Lost Tribes of Israel 

It is a historical fact that the Israelites were divided into 12 tribes of which two were in the country where Jesus taught his Gospel and was put on the cross and the other 10 were scattered in other lands. The assigned Divine mission of Jesus would not have been complete, much less could it be described as successful, without his appearance among the remaining 10 tribes representing a vast majority of the Israelite people.

The choice here is either to admit that Jesus failed to comply with his Divine mission – an obvious contradiction of terms in regard to any prophet – or that he did travel to that part of the world where the remaining 10 tribes, representing an overwhelming majority, had settled.

We read in the Bible that Jesus Christ was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel (Matthew 15:24) and that he had come … to seek and save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10)

Now if the Jews living in Palestine are to be regarded as lost, then the Israelites who had settled farther afield must certainly be so regarded, for they were lost physically as well as spiritually. Jesus further said that he had come to seek that which was lost and this can by all means apply to the Israelites who lived further away from Palestine. The Jews of Palestine were around him and, therefore, it was not necessary for him to seek them.

Our first evidence comes from the Gospels: The star which indicated the birth of Jesus (pbuh) appeared in the East. (Matthew 2:2) Guided by this star certain wise men undertook a long journey and visited the place of his birth. This shows clearly that they had been waiting for his appearance. As the promise of the appearance of Messiah and the signs of his advent had been given to none but the Israelites, therefore, the men that came from the East on seeing the star must have been Israelites.

Second evidence comes from the second book of Esdras details how the ten tribes of Israel had not returned to their own land but had left their place of captivity for a place which to them looked even farther away from their own land, i.e. further towards the East, and to a place called Asareth.

Tabaqat-i-Nasiri confirms the case saying: …in the time of the Shansabi dynasty, a people called Bani Israel (Children of Israel) used to live in Asareth and were engaged in trade.

Thomas Ledlie in his book, More Ledlian, writing on the origin of Afghans, gives cogent reasons for connecting Asareth with Hazara District in the North West Frontier Providence of Pakistan; and the territory of Kashmir adjoins that of Hazara. But the old boundary of Asareth in Swat was just on the opposite bank of the Indus river, and, higher up near Chilas, it ran into Kashmir territory.

St. Jerome, who wrote in the fifth century of the Christian era while discussing the Dispersion of Israel, stated: “… Until this day the ten tribes are subjects to Kings of the Persians nor has their captivity ever loosened.”

Another eminent scholar, Dr. Alfred Edersheim, in his book entitled, The Life and Times of Jesus, the Messiah, says that vast numbers of Israelites, estimated at millions, inhabited the trans-Euphrates provinces – the great mass of the ten tribes was in the days of Christ, as in our own times, lost to the Hebrew nation.

We read in the Jewish Encyclopedia under the heading Tribes: Abraham Farissol identifies the River Ganges with the River Gozan and assumes that the Bani-Israel of India are the descendants of the lost ten tribes.

Let us look more closely at the history of the people of these regions.

The claim of Afghans to be Children of Israel is not merely founded on tradition. It is supported by ancient monuments, old inscriptions and historical works which are still to be found in manuscripts in their possession which detail the history of genealogies of the Afghans tribes.

The most ancient manuscript available to us is: rauzat uo Albab fi Tawarikh-ul-Akabir wal Ansab – The Garden of the Learned in the History of Great Men and Genealogies – by Abu Suleman Daud bin Abul Fazal Muhammad Albenaketi which was written in 717 A.H. and in which the author traces the ancestry of the Afghans to the Israelites.

The people of Kashmir, Afghanistan, parts of India and the surrounding lands represent the lost tribes of Israel. Let us examine whether this contention can be proved by historical and other forms of evidence.

Bukhtawar Khan in his most valuable universal history Mirat-ul-Alam – the Mirror of the World, gives a vivid account of the Journeys of the Afghans from the Holy Land to Ghor, Ghazni, Kabul and other places in Afghanistan. Similarly Hafiz Rahmat bin Shah Alam in his Khulasat-ul-Ansab and Fareed-ud-Din Ahmad in Risala-i-Ansab-i-Afghana give the history of the Afghans and deal with their genealogies. They both prove that the Afghans are the descendants of Israel through King Talut.

Sir Alexander Burnes in his book Travels into Bokhara states: The Afghans called themselves Bani Israel, that is Children of Israel. The Afghans look like Jews and the younger brother remarries the widow of the elder.

Similarly, Dr. Joseph Wolff, in his book, Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara in the Years 1843-1845, was wonderfully struck with the resemblance which the Yusuf Zayes and the Khaibaries, two of their Afghan tribes, bear to the Jews.

The same is affirmed by J.B. Farser in his book: An Historical and Descriptive Account of Persia and Afghanistan where he quotes: According to the Afghans’ own tradition they believe themselves to be descendents from the Jews… They preserved the purity of their religion until they embraced Islam.

Again, we have the evidence of George Moore in his famous work: Lost Tribes published in 1861. He cited numerous facts to prove that these tribes are traceable to the Afghans and the Kashmiris. Sir William Jones, Sir John Malcolm and missionary Chamberlain, after full investigation, were of the opinion that the Ten Tribes migrated to India, Tibet and Kashmir through Afghanistan.

Moore has mentioned only three eminent writers on the subject. But reference can be made with advantage to General Sir George Macmuun, Col. G. B. Malleson, Col. Failson, George Bell, E. Balfour, Sir Henry Yule and Sir George Rose. They, one and all, independently came to the same conclusion.

Among more recent writers on the ancestry of Afghans, Dr. Alfred Edersheim states as follows:

Modern investigations have pointed to the Nestorians and latterly, with almost convincing evidence (so far as it is possible), to the Afghans as descendants from the lost tribes.

Similarly, Sir Thomas Holditsh, in his book, The Gates of India says: But there is one important people (of whom there is much more to be said) who call themselves Bani Israel, who claim descent from Cush and Ham, who have adopted a strange mixture of Mosaic Law in Ordinances in their moral code, who (some sections at least) keep a feast which strongly accords with the Passover, who hate the Yahudi (Jew) with a traditional hatred, and for whom no one has yet been able to suggest any other origin than the one they claim, and claim with determined force, and these people are the overwhelming inhabitants of Afghanistan and Kashmir.

It will, therefore, be acknowledged that ethnical and historical evidence, both ancient and modern, establishes that Afghans are the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel, whose descent can be traced back to the tribes of Israel as has been mentioned in some of the quotations reproduced above.

The Kashmiris who also claim to be Bani Israel (that is, Children of Israel) and call themselves Kashar which is a Hebrew word meaning right. But let us probe further into this claim and examine what historical and other evidence is available to substantiate it.

The first three early historians of Kashmir, namely Mulla Nadiri (1378-1416) in his book: Tarikh Kashmir (History of Kashmir), Mulla Ahmad in his book Waqqya-i-Kashmir (Events of Kashmir), and Abdul Qadar Bin Qazi-ul-Quzat Wasil Ali Khan in his book Hashmat-i-Kashmir, have all categorically stated that the inhabitants of Kashmir were the descendants of Israel. The last mentioned author adding that they had come from the Holy Land (Israel).

Apart from these three Muslim historians of Kashmir, Hindu scholars like Pandit Narian Kaul in his book: Guldasta-i-Kashmir and Pandit Ram Chand Kak in his work: Ancient Monument of Kashmir: describes Kashmiris as being of Jewish countenance of descent.

Francis Bernier (a courtier at the Court of Emperor Aurang Zeb) states that the inhabitants of Kashmir struck him as resembling Jews, having the countenances and manners of the Israeli people.

George Foster in his famous work: Letters on a Journey from Bengal to England, writes:

On first seeing the Kashmirians in their own country, I imagined from their garb, the cast of their countenances, which were long and of a grave aspect, and the forms of their beards, that I had come among a nation of Jews.

The Rev. Claudius Buchanan talks about the discovery of an ancient manuscript of Moses in Hebrew which was written on a roll of leather 48 feet in length and about which he was told it was brought from Kashmir.

The Kashmiri pundits claim that they had come from Persia and beyond and that some of their people had settled on the Malaber Coast. Mr. Henry Wilson in his book: Travels in Himalayan Provinces writes: … the physical and the ethnical character, which so sharply marks off the Kashmiris from all surrounding races, has always struck observing visitors to the valley and they have universally connected them with the Jews.

Major H. W. Bellew in his book: Kashmir in Kashgar: refers to the dress of Kashmiri men and women and their features and infers from these and other facts their descent from the Jews.

Similarly, Mr. Cowley Lambert in his book: A Trip to Kashmir and Laddakh: refers to the physical appearance of the Kashmiris and concludes that they have a most unmistakable Jewish cast of face.

Similarly, Mr. James Milne in his book: The Road to Kashmir: states that the three races (Afghans, Afridis, and Kashmiris) have large aquiline features and skins which have been well described as subdued Jews.

More recently, Sir Francis Younghusband, who for many years was the British Representative in Kashmir, writes: Here may be seen fine old patriarchal types, just as we picture to ourselves the Israelitish heroes of old. Some, indeed, say… that these Kashmiris are the lost tribes of Israel and certainly as I have already said, there are real biblical types to be seen everywhere in Kashmir and especially among the upland villages. Here the Israelitish shepherd tending his flocks and herds may any day be seen.

We also find a Christian missionary who lived in Kashmir for many years (C. E. Tyndale Biscoe) who contends: … the Kashmiris belong to the lost tribes of Israel as many of them have such Jewish noses, also their love of money and of getting the better of their neighbors is a strong one.

A recent Indian writer, Mr. V. Rangacharya, in his book: History of Pre-Moslem India describes the inhabitants of Kashmir to the North West Frontier of Kashmir to be very Jewish.

Here then, we have an overwhelming accumulation of historical evidence emanating from a large number of independent and objective scholars, from different countries, belonging to different religions, all asserting the close connection of the Afghans & Kashmiris to their Israeli descent.

For living evidence go and look for yourself: Proof is visible in ethnic features, which no one can concoct or fabricate, in the dress which they wear, in names of persons which they carry, in names of places where they live – indeed, an all permeating reflection of their origin and past.

More Proofs:

Biblical Names: Khawaja Nazir Ahmad in his book “Jesus in Heaven on Earth” has in fact listed some 405 such names in Afghanistan, Kashmir and parts of Pakistan and India which show strong similarities and common origin with biblical names. Those interested can have recourse to this valuable piece of research.

Jewish Traditions: The evidence of common ancestry and heritage is also to be found embedded even deeper in traditions, folklore and fables which resound with stories of Jewish flavor and origin. There is a well in Afghanistan and also in Kashmir called Chahi Babal, that is Well of Babylon, associated with angels like Harut and Marut.

Babylonian Artifacts: Archaeological discoveries also point in the same direction of common ancestry and the pottery found in Afghanistan and Kashmir bears close resemblance to that found in Babylon and associated with the Jews.

Symmetry with Syria: The ancient temples in Kashmir have little in common with Buddhist or Brahmanical architecture and have more affinity with the Jewish synagogues and pediments of Syrian origin. G. T. Vrine in his book: Travels in Kashmir, Laddakh and Iskardoo: raised the question whether the Kashmiri temples had not been built by Jewish architects. Similarly, Dr. James Ferguson, an authority on Indian and Eastern architecture, notes as a point of interest that temples in Kashmir reproduce, in plan at least, the Jewish temple more nearly than any other known building.

There is also the famous Takhte Sulaiman in Srinagar which is associated in Kashmiri tradition with the visit of King Solomon and is described as an exact replica of the throne of Absalom, the third son of David, in the Woods of Ephraim not far from Jerusalem.

The mass of evidence on the settlement of the lost tribes of Israel in Kashmir, Afghanistan and the surrounding lands is indeed formidable. It is to be found in religious books, in books of history and research by ancient and modern writers belonging to different countries and different faiths. The adherents of these faiths violently disagree on many fundamentals of life and faith but reveal a rare unanimity and consensus on the descent of the Afghans and the Kashmiris from the ancient Israeli stock.

The evidence is indeed all permeating. It is reflected in their distinctive features, in language, in names, in dress, in customs, in traditions, in folklore, in pottery, in architecture, in monuments – in fact in every conceivable aspect of human life and activity. It is difficult to reject or ignore this mass of evidence in the absence of strong reason and at least a semblance of evidence to the contrary.

(This paper was presented at the International Conference on Deliverance of Jesus from Cross held at Commonwealth Institute, London, on June 2-4 1978)



So we have testimony of the Bible, the testimonies of the Holy Quran and the Ahadith, the testimony of medical books, the testimony of historical records, the testimony of oral traditions handed down from generation to generation, miscellaneous circumstantial evidence, the testimony of rational argument and the testimony of reason & rationality… All thanks to the Gracious God who led us to truth!

Jews views: So now we know that the Jews were wrong in their belief (that Jesus died on the cross and therefore was not a true prophet because according to the Bible one who is crucified is accursed by God) – Jesus never died on the cross and so He was a True Prophet… cleared of all charges (as God so willed). 

Christian concept: So now we know that the Christian concept of Atonement (that Jesus died for their sins), or that Jesus is God (third of the trinity) or that he never died and ascended alive to heaven) are all wrong as well… we’ll discuss this in detail in coming chapters.

Muslim View: Few Muslims believe that Jesus was a great prophet from God; a prophet can’t die an accursed death so they believe he was taken away from the cross after being crucified (during the storm) and was placed on the fourth or perhaps fifth heaven or sky to be saved. The traditional belief of the majority of Muslims is different however: They believe that original Jesus was never crucified at all, and that someone else resembling Jesus was crucified in his place. Jesus, instead, is supposed to have been raised to heaven, body and soul by the lord – These Muslims are too wrong in their beliefs: Please check the latter part of this message for ‘Death of Jesus Proved by Quran-e-Majeed for my Muslim family.


A Wonderful News: Are you aware that the re-advent of Jesus has happened?

And answer to another question:

What are the reasons to keep this secret till this day?

Yes, it was him, the re-advent of Jesus himself, who was to come and clear him of the calumnies which the Jews, the Muslims and the Christians had uttered against him. It was HE who bore witness to Jesus’ truth. Well obviously yes! The above was all his knowledge which I have now shared with you.

Regarding the question as what shall the Christians do now? A delightful solution is that: As earlier, all Christians can still follow their very own Messiah Jesus, the Son of Mary; Join the community which the re-advent of Jesus (pbuh) created, obey his commandments and love him as you do – he’s our loving father.

History repeated: History repeated itself not only sending our father, our prophet back but also in terms of persecution. Yes, that’s the painful part.

The second come of Jesus (pbuh) and all of his followers are persecuted all around the world today (wherever known) as they were persecuted in times of his first advent.

Know the complete story about his re-advent in the light of the prophecies made about him with real material proofs in the last part of this message and you decide what to do. I have included ‘a message from Him (the re-advent of Jesus) to His followers’ too, do read it – I have done my job of passing on the message to you, it’s now your turn to decide. I believe, all of his true believers will certainly recognize him, accept him and join him.

And I challenge you: What all true prophecies you know about him returning, test them now; I assure you’ll find them all proving true.

You will be able to understand the points perfectly only after you know the fundamentals: you’ll first need to understand the basics else you won’t get a dime of the concept of God. Well, It’s gonna get more interesting now, keep reading!


Did you know? Returning of Jesus (as) was as supposed did mark the beginning phase of the end of this world, there’s definitely no doubt about it (I won’t say you how many days or months or years are left before the trumpet is blown, go read his books to know it). His return is in itself a way to reform the world in every sense before the end. Here’s what He, the re-appeared Jesus says:

“…God has informed me of many earth-quakes. Rest assured, therefore, that earth-quakes will they shake the planet. Some of them will resemble the Day of Doom. …Havoc shall sweep the surface of the earth which shall be the greatest since the birth of man. Habitations shall be demolished as if no one had ever lived in them. This will he accompanied by many other terrible calamities which the earth and the heavens will send forth, till their extraordinary nature will become evident to every reasonable man… Then mankind shall be sore distressed and wonder what is going to happen. 

…The days are near, in fact. I can see them close at hand, when the world shall witness a terrible sight: not only earthquakes but also many fearsome calamities shall overtake man, some from the skies and some from the earth. This will happen because… If I had not come, these afflictions would perhaps have been delayed a little. But … as says God: ‘We never punish unless We send a Messenger.’ 

I am to warn you, those who repent shall find security and shall be shown mercy. 

Do you think you will be protected from these calamities? Or can you save yourselves through artifice or other man-made designs? Indeed not. Repent that you may be shown mercy! …

And I pray to the Lord for you:

[40:8] …‘Our Lord, Thou dost comprehend all things in Thy mercy and knowledge. So forgive those who repent and follow Thy way; and protect them from the punishment of Hell. 

[40:9] ‘And make them, our Lord, enter the Gardens of Eternity which Thou hast promised them, as well as such of their fathers and their wives and their children as are virtuous. Surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise. 

May peace, mercy and blessings of God be with you, always.

Our last word is: All praise belongs to God, the Lord of the worlds.

Next let us know: Who is God? Where is God? What is God?

But before that, let’s stop for a while and discuss few beliefs… few beliefs which demand immediate attention.

I. The Truth Message – Part 1: True Story of Jesus, the Messiah

  1. Jesus, the Son of Mary, is dead
    (Proved from Bible, evidences from History  & supported by Science)
  2. Corruptions in the Concepts of ‘current’ Christianity
    1. Atonement & Trinity proved wrong
    2. Monotheistic/Nazarene philosophy of Jesus to Paul’s Trinitarian Philosophy
    3. Jesus said:God is One
    4. Christianity – A journey from facts to fiction
    5. Truth about Easter, Sunrise Services, Dyed Eggs & Santa Claus
  3. The True Story of Prophet Jesus, the Messiah
    (the Son of Mary, the Good Shepherd – Peace be upon him)

References for all the above: 

Continue reading…


17 replies

  1. old testament can tell you who is true dont focus on new testament too much only the few will understand

  2. Jesus is alive!!!! He is pure love, I always believed in him but never experienced his real presence. When I had depression I was praying on Rosary and Mary His mother brought me to HIM. I started to have mystic experiences of HiM and He is always making my heart hot, burning when I speak to Him.
    This article is a big lie, there are planty of evidences showing that He has risen!! In Poland there are 4 miracles of Holy Bread when it changed to the Blood and heart muscle, the same blood as is on Turing shroud, real, liging heart muscle that is in agony!!!! and there are many other same miracles all over the world. Jesus is calling everyone to belive!, there are many muslim people in France who convert because they see Jesus and Mary.
    The apparition of Mary in Medjugorie, she has been appearing there for the last 30 years. Google in you tube for it!! Jesus is alive!!!! He is love, ask Him in the prayer with open heart for the thruth if He is alive, whether is the only thruth.

    • As you believe in the Turin Shroud please study it properly. It proves that Jesus was alive when he was taken down from the cross. Consequently please study what the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at teaches about Jesus’s life and death. See !

    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, (the straight path) and life. No one will come to you (to heaven) if not through me. John. 14: 6.
    The Prophet Muhammad confirmed Jesus;
    And indeed ‘Jesus really provides knowledge about the Day of Resurrection. Therefore do not doubt about the end and follow me. This is the straight path.
    Q.43: 61

    Hopefuly these warning from God will not be deleted.


    “The most important thing,” answered Jesus, “is this:‘ Hear, O Israel: Lord, our God, the Lord is one. Love God, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. “The second is this:” Love your neighbor as yourself. “There is no greater order than this,” he said

    But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who besides use you, and persecute you. Matthew.5: 44.👍

    • Did you read the book by His Royal Highness Prince Qazi of Jordan? (I think I gave you the link before) LOVE IN THE QURAN:

      How unfortunate it is that the Christian nations never practiced what you are preaching. I am just reading an interesting book by James Michener. CARIBBEAN. it is a novel but full of history. Horrible how the Christians nations colonized the Americas, they thought they could slaughter all the native population because as non-Christians surely they had no soul. Equal horrible treatment of their slaves. And the colonizers went to church every Sunday. Somi, you live at the wrong time. You should have taught your bible verses to the white colonizers and slave masters.

    ​​Q.3: 1-4, Q.4: 136, Q.5: 46, Q.2: 89 🙏

    O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and his Messenger, and the scripture which He hath sent to His Messenger and the scripture which He sent to those before (him). And who denieth Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, and the Day of Judgment, hath gone far, far astray. (136)

    And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the law that had come before him: We sent him the Gospel: therein was guidance and light, and confirmation of the law that had come before him: a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah.

    Hopefully these verses will be inspired you all to correct your faith. Amen🙏


    Peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive! (33) ( To Heaven ) Q 19:33

    But Allah took him up unto Himself. ( HEAVEN) Allah was ever Mighty, Wise.Q 4:158

    (And remember) when Allah said: O Jesus! Lo! I am gathering thee and causing thee to ascend unto Me, and am cleansing thee of those who disbelieve and am setting those who follow thee above those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then unto Me ye will (all) return, and I shall judge between you as to that wherein ye used to differ. (55) As for those who disbelieve I shall chastise them with a heavy chastisement in the world and the Hereafter; and they will have no helpers. Q 3:55-56

  7. You deleted my previous comment. You do not like God’s words.


    1. QURAN :19:19 say that Jesus was born HOLY, he can speak while baby— other Prophets were Sinner.
    2. QURAN : 19:19 say that Jesus was born without Father— but all prophets were born with a father.
    3. QURAN: Q.4:158 say that Jesus was raised to God or Heaven, and live in Heaven and return back to on earth— but other Prophets were on the ground or in grave until the judge Day.
    4. QURAN : 43:61 say that Jesus knows the Judgment Day— other Prophets do not.
    Prophet Muhammad justified or acknowledged the truth facts above.

    Are you going to delete this too

    • well Somi, I suppose you are a Christian and therefore entitled to your belief. We say to you:

      Say, ‘O ye disbelievers!
      کہہ دے کہ اے کافرو !

      لَاۤ اَعۡبُدُ مَا تَعۡبُدُوۡنَ ۙ﴿۳﴾
      ‘I worship not that which you worship;
      میں اُس کی عبادت نہیں کروں گا جس کی تم عبادت کرتے ہو۔

      وَ لَاۤ اَنۡتُمۡ عٰبِدُوۡنَ مَاۤ اَعۡبُدُ ۚ﴿۴﴾
      ‘Nor worship you what I worship.
      اور نہ تم اُس کی عبادت کرنے والے ہو جس کی میں عبادت کرتا ہوں۔

      وَ لَاۤ اَنَا عَابِدٌ مَّا عَبَدۡتُّمۡ ۙ﴿۵﴾
      ‘And I am not going to worship that which you worship;
      اور میں کبھی اُس کی عبادت کرنے والا نہیں بنوں گا جس کی تم نے عبادت کی ہے۔

      وَ لَاۤ اَنۡتُمۡ عٰبِدُوۡنَ مَاۤ اَعۡبُدُ ؕ﴿۶﴾
      ‘Nor will you worship what I worship.
      اور نہ تم اُس کی عبادت کرنے والے بنوگے جس کی میں عبادت کرتا ہوں۔

      لَکُمۡ دِیۡنُکُمۡ وَلِیَ دِیۡنِ ٪﴿۷﴾
      ‘For you your religion, and for me my religion.’

      • Prophet Muhammad says that in Al Quran -/ if you are a true Muslim you have to follow Prophet Muhammad as he said above!!

        Why do you REJECT his commandment. Are you a good Muslim?

        Please obey all verses above.
        If you reject it— I do not know what will happen to you Rafiq—I pray for you ❤️🙏🙏

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